The Top 11 Google Ranking Factors in 2023, according to experts

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Top 11 Google ranking factors

We’ve compiled an overview of the most significant Google ranking factors so that you can concentrate on the most powerful enhancements that will improve your rankings on Google.

Important Takeaways

If you’re not able to take the time to read our entire article, here are the most crucial factors to consider:

  1. Content quality & depth
  2. External backlinks. That’s the place we’re able to provide linkbuilding solutions come in.
  3. Searcher intent
  4. Authority for topical matters
  5. Internal Links
  6. Keyword optimization
  7. Page experience indicators
  8. Essential web-related information
  9. Page freshness
  10. Review content of high quality
  11. Domain authority
  12. Other technical issues (more on this later)

It was extremely difficult to locate a source that had the most up-to the minute Google rankings factors (considering the numerous Google changes over the past few years) This is why I came up with this blog with the goal of efficiency in mind.

It’s basically a compilation of the most current and up-to-date sources I could locate online and aimed at aiding SEOs to understand the most important ranking aspects.

For each ranking factor We’ve always used an amalgamation of SEO experts’ opinion and the official position of Google in order to present an impartial view on every factor.

Google’s algorithm makes use of thousands of points in order to determine which pages are ranked in what place.

They are continuously changing in the course of time as Google alters its algorithm in order to deliver the results people are searching for.

The last year has seen two major changes Google’s Core Web Vitals and product reviews change the way websites get ranked.

In this light the article examines some of the eleven most significant Google rankings factors which are relevant to Google today.

We’ve reviewed a variety of studies, sources and reports as well as the information that Google declares about each subject — to present all you must know about improving your rank.

Sources for this article

  • The study of Brian Dean’s Backlinko which examined more than 11 million results of search to draw 11 conclusions on ranking factors.
  • An research by Authority Hacker that analyzed more than 1 million results from Google and gave some interesting insights into the kind of content that is ranked.
  • Google’s SEO guide for beginners, Search Quality Guidelines as well as Search Central webpages gave an insight into what the engine is looking for.
  • The article is an Ahrefs piece that offers valuable information about what factors influence content ranking.
  • A collection of articles taken from The Search Engine Journal that looks at the individual ranking factors in depth.
  • An document by Marie Haynes that highlights all known Google algorithmic changes and the areas they’ve focused on.
  • We’ve also used other sources to support the claims made within this piece. We’ve included links to them whenever they are relevant.

Google’s algorithm utilizes hundreds of points of data to determine which pages are ranked in what place.

The ranking elements are always changing because the engine alters its algorithm in order to deliver the results people are looking for.

The past year alone has seen two major changes Google’s Core Web Vitals and product reviews change the way websites are ranked.

In this light This article outlines some of the eleven most significant Google rank factors, which affect in the present.

We’ve reviewed a variety of sources such as studies, reports, and studies as well as the information Google declares about each topic to provide all you must know about improving your position on Google.

11 Important Google ranking factors (Experts in vs. Google)

1.) Content Quality and Depth

The first is the obvious one. In the absence of content you cannot rank in any way regardless of the other elements you can get right.

At the end of the day, Google is a robotic algorithm that is trained to scan web pages and decide if it’s suitable for the person using it based on their question.

There’s plenty of discussion within SEO circles regarding the way that long an article can affect its ability to be ranked.

There was a time that it was believed that the longer content was more likely be ranked in comparison to shorter ones. Research have even discovered a connection between the length of an article and its ranking.

Today, writing a long article is not likely to improve your ranking.

Backlinko has found that words are equally distributed across the top 10 results, with the first page result of 1,447 words.

While the word count is no longer a factor the quality of the content you provide — and how well your content is able to answer the query of the user could affect the position you are in on.

What SEO experts say about SEO

backlinko found that content that had a high quality according to Clear score “significantly outperformed” content with lower scores. The study also showed that an increase in the content grade of one would be equivalent to a one rank ranking improvement.

Ahrefs also refers to the content quality as being one of its most important ranking factors. It recommends that websites examine the commonalities of other ranking websites and make sure that their content covers the same subjects.

What Google Says Google Says

The Google Search Central guide advises website owners to write extensive content.

The article cites the recipe as an example, which states that it must contain an “complete recipe that is easy to follow rather than just a set of ingredients or a basic description of the dish.”

Conclusive: Content is incredibly important

Content depth is a factor that can impact the rankings of your article. It doesn’t mean you have to write your content as long as is possible. Instead, you should ensure that your article covers all aspects that a user might be searching for in the search box.

Use tools such as Clear scope as well as Surfer SEO to make sure your content is comprehensive and covers all of the bases. Just looking at what pages that are already ranking in results of searches in their content will aid.

2.) External Links pointing to a page

The majority of the sources we examined were of the opinion that the links to a webpage (or the entire website) impact its position.

They are important since they are an indication from one site that the content of another page is worthy of linking to. If the content on the other page is worthy of linking to, then it might be worthwhile to show it in results of searches.

Backlinks are an integral part of Google’s first PageRank algorithm and reliable backlinks remain crucial until today.

Our company creates hyperlinks that dramatically improve the performance of our search engines for our customers.

What SEO experts have to say

“Backlinko”found That one of the “number one result in Google has 3.8 times more backlinks than those in positions two to ten.”

Ahrefsgoes further, describing Backlinks as “arguably themost important ranking factor.” The brand’s research of more than one billion websites discovered a strong correlation between the amount of backlinks a website is able to get and the volume in organic visitors it is receiving.

Authority Hacker stated the importance of backlinks is “the most strongly correlated factor for SEO success.”

What Google Says Google Says

Google has since long established that it makes use of backlinks as part of the algorithm that determines ranking, however, it has not been specifying how crucial they are.

John Mueller from Google did declare that the relevancy and quality of links are more important than the quantity of links.

Verdict: Links are an important factor in ranking

The use of quality links on pages will certainly help them improve its ranking, particularly when it comes to competitive queries where other pages are also linked to.

Links won’t compensate for other weaknesses, such as unimportant or poorly-written content. If your content is of high quality and well-written, they could make a significant difference.

3.) Searcher Intent

The term “matching searcher intent” refers to the fact that you make sure your content has the information that someone searching for the desired keyword is likely to seek.

That’s why when you look for “Best laptop” you get the top laptops. Likewise, when you look up “How to fix a laptop screen,” you’ll find posts on common screen problems and solutions to these issues.

Alongside backlinks The factor of intent is what that experts believe is the most important factor to rank.

This makes sense. Google will show the most appropriate answer to a query in its results.

What SEO experts say about SEO

It’s difficult for research to determine what the importance of the searcher’s intent is. But, there’s an overwhelming consensus that you will only be ranked if you can answer the query of the user.

Ahrefshighlights the searcher’s intent on its ranking factors. In addition, Search Engine Land advises that SEO ought to “Start with optimizing for intent,” and Backlinko states that “Satisfying searcher intent is ultimately Google’s #1 goal.”

A good example of the significance of intent-based search is revealed within the Authority Hacker report. It discovered that when users look up brands on the internet, the company’s website always ranks top one, regardless of other aspects.

What Google Says Google Says

Googleclearly recognizes the importance of intent , and has dedicated the entire section of their Search Quality Guidelines to discussions on the subject.

Verdict Finding a Matching Searcher’s Intent is essential to rank

The ability to understand the intent of searchers is vital for ranking. It’s virtually impossible to get ranked for keywords that don’t address the question of the searcher.

It’s simple to discern the intent of the searcher and modify your content to meet it Simply go to Google and look at what kind of content is currently ranking. Then you can modify your content to accommodate these requirements.

Once you have this foundation from which you can begin following the additional recommendations included in this post, for instance, developing links, which will improve your ranking.

4.) Topical Authority

Topical authority refers to how relevant the content of a site is to the query.

For instance for example, a food and beverage website has high topical authority for recipes, however it has it has a low authority in Software reviews for business-to-business. Example; selling verified stripe accounts, so he need to increase his website authority for google ranking.

What SEO experts have to say

Ahrefsmentions authoritativeness on the topic as one of its most highly ranked factors. It is possible that this is due to the presence of greater internal links to relevant areas. This can boost the authority of the site and help provide Google with a context of the topic.

A study conducted by FirstPageSEO placed specialty expertise in the fourth most significant ranking factor. The report specifically discusses how a hub-and-spoke strategy could result in better rankings.

What Google Says Google Says

Google says that websites must “cultivate a reputation for expertise and trustworthiness in a specific area” and that the content on the website should have been “created or edited by people with expertise in the topic.”

This implies that Google is searching for methods to position content on the basis of authority in the field.

Verdict The likelihood is that you’ll rank for content that is relevant to Your Website

You can find examples of the importance of topical authority as an element of ranking on pretty all search engine page.

We are confident that you’re more likely to be ranked for your content in areas that Google thinks you are a authority in. some credibility in.

5.) Internal Links

Internal links connect one page on a site to another page on the same website. They are different from backlinks that connect a page within a domain to another.

The majority of websites today are designed to be able to seamlessly link to the most important pages through menus, but they aren’t performing this to the highest of their abilities.

It’s crucial to keep in mind it is that Google is a machine and not a living being. It requires a way to connect websites and the pages that contain content as well as linking them properly is crucial for SEO success.

What SEO experts have to say

Ahrefs refers to internal links as “crucial for SEO success.”

Ninja Outreach asserts that it has an increase in organic traffic of 40% without doing anything more than enhancing internal linking.

What Google Says Google Says

Googlehas verified that it is able to discover the new websites to add through linking to pages it knows.

A Google representative further stated that the anchor text of the internal link gives context to the topic of the page.

Google stated to Ahrefs in 2018 that it is still using PageRank as an element the algorithm for ranking. Internal links are believed to be a part the algorithm.

Verdict: Internal Linking Aids Search Engines Find Page and Collect Context

Making sure you have a solid inner linking framework for your website is a good practice and Google has proved that it could affect the ranking of your site. This is supported by other proofs like this Ninja Outreach case study.

Linking your pages to your own is another thing you can control, it’s easy to implement and takes little time. There’s no reason not to utilize internal linking.

6.) Keyword Optimization (E.G. the Header and Title)

One of the simplest ways to boost SEO performance is to improve the title tag and URL, and headers for your pages.

Then, optimizing keywords on the page is crucial. If you’re looking to reach “Best laptops” you’ll include the exact phrase within your content.

Keywords were crucial to ensure that content is ranked previously. But the problem is more complicated now and many consider general subjects to be more crucial than specific keywords.

What SEO experts say about SEO

The Backlinkosays it is the “majority of title tags in Google exactly or partially match the keyword they rank for.” However, they discovered no connection between using a keyword or being higher at the top of the page.

Authority Hacker discovered there was a link between the quantity of keywords used in the content and its ranking. The study also revealed that the keywords in H1 and in title tags showed a greater correlation with the URL, whereas the keywords in your URLs are “somewhat relevant.”

Kyle Roofis a big advocate for keywords’ density and positioning He claims that Google is basically an algorithm that scans the internet for keywords that can provide clear clues to the content of a webpage. It’s a fact.

What Google Says Google Says

Google’s keyword-related guidance revolves around staying clear of “keyword stuffing.” It states that putting irrelevant keywords in an article could negatively affect your ranking.

Verdict: Studies show that there is a correlation between keywords and ranking

It’s difficult to determine exactly the importance of keywords. These studies demonstrate that there’s plenty of evidence of a correlation between ranking and keywords.

In most cases it is difficult writing an essay on the subject without at the very least hitting partial search terms.

Be sure to stay clear of keyword filling. The use of keywords must be natural, and you should only use them when it is appropriate to do so.

7.) Pages Experience Signs

Page experience indicators indicate that an internet user has discovered the information they were searching for on the page. They are based on factors such as bounce rate, dwell time and click-through rates.

The idea suggests the idea that Google will more often give higher priority to content that performs in these metrics, since it indicates that they are able to are able to answer the question of the user.

What SEO experts say about SEO

Backlinkofound the strong relationship between the time spent on the page and search engine rankings.

Ahrefsspeculates that Google may have a different way to gauge satisfaction with its users however it’s not one of the metrics listed previously.

What Google Says Google Says

Google says that it does not use interaction metrics to determine a ranking factor.

Conclusion: Google Doesn’t Use Specific Metrics (like dwell time) to determine the rank of content

Google claims that it doesn’t employ metrics such as dwell time and click-through rates to affect its rankings, therefore you can trust them.

However, these indicators could be an indication of the quality of the content.

In the event that Google Analytics shows you have an excessive bounce rate and a slow load time the page this may be an indication that you should improve your website’s content, which can eventually lead to a higher rank.

8.) Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals is collection of three tests Google utilizes to evaluate the experience that a user gets on a web page.

These include:

  • The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which is the duration is required for the biggest component of content to be loaded.
  • First Input Delay (FID), which determines the amount of time it takes the browser to react when users interact with the site.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), which is a measure of how much the location of the page’s content changes as it loads.

What SEO experts have to say

Core Web Vitals is a fairly new ranking factor and there’s not much research on it. The majority of SEO experts are of the opinion that it’s a minor ranking factor that is in line with Google’s guidelines.

What Google Says Google Says

Google representatives confirm that Core Web Vitals is a ranking factor. They have stated that transforming websites that are “need improvement” to “good” could lead to ranking improvements.

Conclusion: Good Core Web Vitals Scores can help you rank

Core Web Vitals can be a factor that determines ranking and poor scores can adversely affect your website. Making a score improve to a high score could lead to a rise in ranking.

But, they’ll only affect your rankings in the event that your content is valuable and also competitive on other levels. In addition even if the score you have already received is high the chances of further improvement are not likely to affect your score.

9) Page Freshness

Freshness refers to how recently the page was published or revised. This is a ranking indicator but its significance depends on the question.

The terms that are related to news will usually display information that was updated within the past few days or even hours. Take a look at the screenshot of the word “UK News” below.

News updates are often made frequently throughout the day, therefore these pages must reflect this.

Other terms are still considered fresh however they don’t have to refresh your content often.

For instance, the term “Best CRM” contains articles that were mostly updated in the past couple of months. This is due to how CRM applications are updated and changed with a slow pace.

What SEO experts say about SEO

Ahrefs includes freshness as one of its primary ranking factors, provided it’s relevant to the query.

A lot of SEO experts including Search Engine Journal has said that their rankings have improved following the refresh and updating of old content.

What Google Says Google Says

Google has verified that the company considers the freshness of its content as a factor in ranking new news, regular events as well as current information and for product searches.

Verdict: Freshness Is Essential for Some Terms

The freshness of a product is a crucial factor in ranking when it’s pertinent.

In deciding whether or not to make changes to a website take a look at other results of the SERPs to find out the date they last updated . Then, you can make a decision according to this.

10.) Quality Product Review Content

A review of a product is a distinct kind of article that is targeted at readers who are looking for reviews on products.

From 2021 onwards, Google introduced major changes to the way that it ranks this kind of content. This was to help promote quality reviews.

Google specifically stated that reviews should contain:

  • Experiences you have had with a particular product like videos, images or audio
  • Links to several vendors of this product

What SEO experts have to say

Search Engine Land has reported significant changes in its ranking following the algorithm change’s coming into effect.

Marie Haynes’s update tracker noted significant fluctuations in the SERPs during the two weeks following the release of the review update.

What Google Says Google Says

Google verified the fact that they has released an upgrade with the goal of promoting high-quality review content.

Verdict: Google is focusing on Reviews of low-quality Reviews

Google confirmed it has released an update to combat reviews that are not of high quality. There has been reports of SERP fluctuations after the rollout of the algorithm, suggesting it will have an impact on the results.

If your site publishes reviews, you must try to adhere to the guidelines laid out by Google.

11.) Domain Authority

Domain Authority refers to a phrase that is used to describe a website’s general backlink profile. This differs from the preceding aspect, which is referring to the links that lead to a particular page.

Websites with high domain authority are able to get many hyperlinks from authoritative websites. Sites with low authority usually have fewer links and less links from authoritative websites.

Many SEO tools attempt to determine the authority of a domain. Some of the most commonly used metrics are:

  • Moz’s Domain Authority (DA)
  • Ahrefs” Domain Rating (DR)
  • SEMRush’s Authority Score

Each tool analyzes the quality and quantity of the links which point to a website, and gives it a score in the range of 100.

Scores are calculated using the logarithmic scale. This means it is more difficult to rise up as your domain authority rises. They are also considered to be relational and your score may decrease when the websites that surround your increase their backlinks more than yours.

What SEO experts say about SEO

backlinkofound that a site’s Ahrefs Domain Ranking “correlates to higher first page Google rankings.”

Authority Hacker states that Domain Rating appears “somewhat relevant” to a web page’s rank.

Ahrefs states that, while page authority has a greater connection to rank than authority of domains, authority may influence rankings indirectly via internal linking that allows links to other sites.

What Google Says Google Says

An Google spokesperson confirmed that the company does not have an “website authority score.”

Google has also confirmed that there are instances that they will look at websites to determine the best way to rank new pages.

Conclusion: Domain Authority is not a ranking factor, however it does have a correlation with Rankings.

It is important to keep in mind the fact that Domain Authority is a third measurement that is easily be altered by manipulating hyperlinks that will not help your site.

This could be due the website’s backlink profile and how link juice is distributed on new websites, or it is the case that Google has more information regarding the site because of the content that it has published before.

The most authoritative websites are said to have a much easier ranking of new pages over those that are brand new. That’s why websites with high authority have the upper hand in terms of competition.

Other important technical factors

There are additional ranking factors that are not included that are listed above. These are the factors you need to ensure that your site has the right requirements to stand the greatest chances of being ranked.

Some of the three that are significant are:

  • HTTPS It is a protocol for encrypting information sent between the browser and the website. Google have proven it’s a lightweight ranking signal.
  • Mobile-friendly: Google has employed mobile-first indexing from the beginning of the year 2019. The way your website performs on mobile devices is an important ranking factor for both desktop and mobile search.
  • Indexing properly: Google can only rank your site in the event that it’s properly indexed. If you’re having difficulty ranking for a new website it is among the first things you need to be looking at.

Remember Google’s ultimate Goal to be Successful Long-Term

If you want to boost your rankings, you must focus on Google’s main goal of highlighting the most valuable content that can answer every query.

Applying all of these methods as you can will aid. Follow these steps, and you’ll be able to:

  • Articles that are high-quality and clear information that is able to answer users’ questions.
  • A website that demonstrates the authority of a specific field.
  • A website that provides its visitors with a pleasant experience while browsing.

While certain Google ranking factors could be changed, as long as you remain focused on the above factors, you’ll remain successful in achieving rankings.


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